Teatersjef Amalie Nilssen forteller om kunst og kunstens vitale betydning. Amalie har vært teatersjef ved Kilden teater og konserthus siden 2015, og før det var hun teatersjef for Haugesund Teater i ti år!
The item itself is beautiful. It's a great small grill which could be used on a desktop or using the correct Weber stand. This is a single burner grill. The burner can be a large rectangular shape which gives adequate coverage. The restaurant gets hot quickly. I much prefer a metal grate, but this cast iron is good. I have not had any trouble yet with any chipping/peeling off everything coat is about it. I trust that remains true for a long moment. So far, I have been using it with just the small, semi-automatic tanks. I may up into the large tank next summer. https://bestgrill.reviews/
The item itself is beautiful. It's a great small grill which could be used on a desktop or using the correct Weber stand. This is a single burner grill. The burner can be a large rectangular shape which gives adequate coverage. The restaurant gets hot quickly. I much prefer a metal grate, but this cast iron is good. I have not had any trouble yet with any chipping/peeling off everything coat is about it. I trust that remains true for a long moment. So far, I have been using it with just the small, semi-automatic tanks. I may up into the large tank next summer. https://bestgrill.reviews/